Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 9/12

Posted by on Jul 25, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Market Audiences

The majority of films, or at least those produced by major film studios; focus on the segment of the American population who are regular moviegoers (see movies in theatres a minimum of 6 times per year). This segment consolidates to 35% of the US population at the moment. In addition, approximately half of that population is 12 – 29 years of age which is the group that generally speaking, helps assess a films financial success in the longer run. The four main groups film marketers divide the population into are: Male/Female and Over 25/Under25. Hollywood executive Paul Lendburg quotes, “Each target must be reachable, sustainable, substantial, and measurable… If you don’t have all four, it’s not viable. Successful movies attract two or more target groups with tailored advertising and media campaigns that complement and supplement one another without creating confusion”.

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