Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 12/12

Posted by on Nov 20, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Film Festivals

Film Festivals are growing as a sector for promotions, because marketers who know what types of crowds attend certain festivals, are able to place consumer goods at these events. Festivals, even smaller ones, usually run anywhere from 3-14 days, thus encouraging marketers to allow for people to get familiar with a product and have time to make a decision and purchase it on the second or third day for instance.

In smaller cities, sometimes festivals are issued purely for marketing reasons and to be a good source of income, hence they are not a very attractive destination for better known consumer good. ‘Smaller fish’ in the same market however, may use these lesser known festivals to pry their way in, and fall into the mind of the festival goers. Either way, it is a win-win situation for the associates of the festivals, as for the brands and companies of the partner supporting consumer goods.

In addition, this type of tie-in promotional behavior may manifest itself in a contest. If for instance, a festival is held in a small city, and the sponsor turns out to be Mercedes, which claims that anyone who fills out a survey and purchases a certain festival gadget will automatically take place in a draw to win 1 of 3 top prices – a new Mercedes Benz. The author of this thesis has come up with this example alone but it goes to show that people who may make less money in smaller cities and towns, will feel a higher urge to take part in such a contest, and hence helping out the festival. Once again, this goes to show, if properly assessed, a win-win situation for both the festival and the festival tin-in partner, in this case – the automobile producer, Mercedes.

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