Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory.

At only 73 minutes in length, Bubble is a short feature film directed by Steven Soderbergh in 2005 which reflects on the lives of three working class people living in Parkersburg, West Virginia and Belpre, Ohio where the movie was also shot.

What is fascinating is that the three main characters centered on Bubble’s plot – Martha, Kyle and Rose are all citizens of this region in the USA and are not professional actors.

Auditions were held for the roles and those interested had interviews conducted with them.

With little dialogue and room for improvisation, these three non-professional actors give a beautiful minimalistic performance. They’re eyes speak much more than any words, and when they do open they’re mouths, it is only when needed.

Apart from the sound of heavy machinery, silence lurks in the doll factory in which they work or at their homes and on the streets. This all builds an incredible aura of the town, its people, the working class lifestyle and core human behavior needed to earn a living.

There is not a lot of score in the film. During certain scenes, the only music heard is the loud strumming of a guitar. The viewer almost asks to hear some vocals but they do not arrive. Even the guitar is a reflection of the mood, the factory and the three main characters in the film.

The movie does have drama however – when Rose’s body is found one morning and a Police detective begins to question each of the remaining main characters.

Bubble is a low budget film shot on HD with unknown and self-taught actors who are more genuine and emotionally bonding with the audience then most Hollywood stars.

Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Written by Coleman Hough


Debbie Doebereiner as Martha

Omar Cowan as Martha’s Father

Dustin James Ashley as Kyle (as Dustin Ashley)

Phyllis Workman as Bakery Shopkeeper

Laurie Lee as Kyle’s Mother

Daniel R. Christian as the Factory Supervisor

Misty Wilkins as Rose

K. Smith as Jake

Decker Moody as Detective Don Taylor



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