Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 6/12

Posted by on Feb 1, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Market Research Market research is designed to help shape the outline of the entire Marketing Strategy. It is a prominent tool, without which, movie marketers would be guessing an outcome of a film, and the success to failure rate would be a complete question mark every time. Market research is just as important as any other element in a movies existence because it has to do directly with people, and films are made for people, regardless how independent or new-wave a filmmaker may consider themselves. The fact remains, films are made for the general public, and based on their opinion, that...

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Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 5/12

Posted by on Jan 24, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Film Titles An interesting and intriguing title may be the most single effective element in a broad marketing spectrum pertaining to a given film’s campaign program. Due to the fact, film titles are always being dished up to ‘consumers’, whether it be on TV, print ads, or outdoor advertising, a thought-provoking film title is very often the sole reason why a person may end up going to the cinemas to see that movie. It is widely said, within the industry, that despite a title often being a what is known to be ‘working title’, as soon as the first take is shot on set, that title begins to...

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Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 4/12

Posted by on Jan 15, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Marketing Preparation List When it comes to creativity in movie marketing, as David Stern, owner of Culver City-based Create Advertising Group said, “You want to hit an emotional chord” […] “Can you get someone to feel something?” People attending cinemas want to be told a story. 3D, sound effects, stunts, known actors, car races etc. will not have an effect if there is no plot to back all those things up. That is why the following list is crucial for marketing know-how when preparing a major studio (and not only) release: • Are there well-known stars-actors and a director, for example-and...

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Unmade Beds Film Review

Posted by on Jan 14, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Unmade Beds Film Review

Young Argentinean director Alexis Dos Santos fulfills the promise of his acclaimed debut GLUE with UNMADE BEDS, a sexy tale of two young people adrift in London. Axl (Fernando Tielve of Guillermo Del Toro’s THE DEVIL’S BACKBONE) is a Spanish kid trying to track down the British man who fathered him 20 years ago. He discovers his biological father is a real estate broker and pretends to be in the market for an apartment just so he can get to know his dad. Vera (Deborah Francois of THE PAGE TURNER and the award-winning L’ENFANT) tries hard not to fall in love – she won’t even tell a new...

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Marketing Methods and Promotional Tools: Creative Strategy – 3/12

Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Copy Lines Key copy lines are extremely important in the creative strategy process. Key copy lines are slogans or short sentences intended to catch a potential viewer’s attention. Here are a few great examples: 1. Society’s uneasy reaction with technology is the theme of Warner/DreamWorks 2001 release of A.I. Artificial Intelligence with the advertising text, “His love is real. He is not.” This slogan makes us ponder the question how can love be real if he is not? How can something artificial love? How can something without feelings feel? This copy line is extremely witty because it has two...

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Bubble Film Review

Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Bubble Film Review

Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory. At only 73 minutes in length, Bubble is a short feature film directed by Steven Soderbergh in 2005 which reflects on the lives of three working class people living in Parkersburg, West Virginia and Belpre, Ohio where the movie was also shot. What is fascinating is that the three main characters centered on Bubble’s plot – Martha, Kyle and Rose are all citizens of this region in the USA and are not professional actors. Auditions were held for the roles and those...

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